Saturday, December 03, 2005

A little bit of everything

My folks and brother are coming into the general area at the end of the month. We are going up to meet with them in the world of disney. We will be in Orlando to visit with them. Those plans are being finalized, we do not see any of them often enough so it will be nice to catch up a bit. Next year, hopefully we will get down to see the whole crew in New Orleans.

Thankfully, we will be able to see some other family members who will be down here in Miami that same week. Cassandra will get to see numerous people who love her that whole week. Her birthday is roughly 3 weeks away and the year seems to have flown by. People have told me that time speeds up especially when you have children, well I can now agree without reservation. It does not seem a whole year ago that she was born, but that is the case. Everything, every bit of it is worth it, especially when she smiles at me and wrinkles her little nose. I can't wait to see her in an all white dress smearing chocolate everywhere. We will get a couple pictures and then she will nap, I will try to hold onto that moment for quite a while.

I started a new job on Friday, I work at an alternative learning center with 8th graders. It is a very challenging environment; where I will most likely be learning on the fly. If I can master working there, then I will have accomplished something. I'm responsible for Science, English and Reading. I feel good about this opportunity.

24 days until my baby's 1st Bday....

More later


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